1.23.2017 Tunisia

JANUARY ESSENTIALS: Michael Kors, Manilla, L'Occitane

   How has your year started? Have you managed to accomplish your NY Resolutions? I hope you have, and, if not, don't worry, because you have 11 more months left! :)
     I didn't make any particular NY resolutions, but as I was visiting home at the end of December, I had some time for myself to clear my head and put my thoughts in order. This is something I do every time I go home, so my year is split in periods between my trips and I have noticed that for each of them I have some little resolutions on how I would like to live and what should I achieve. I think it is somehow easier and "healthier" because with the time I have learned how dreaming is good, but should be limited, like, there should be Big Dream Section and Most-likely-It-will-Happen Dream Section, and this way it will not make you upset and will give more self-confidence.
     I have started 2017 with couple really nice and necessary things, which have made this month of January more enjoyable, so I would like to share them with my readers.

Manilla Planner 

     If you love some good, stylish stationary and beautiful art supplies, you should definately follow Manilla Shop on their Insta page. Since the summer I was dreaming about visiting their shop, and I was always sure that my next planner for 2017 will be from this shop exactly. Now, it is not cheap there, I did a small haul there together with my boyfriend and we ended up spending around 80 EUR just for few things, but most of the times quality is very good and you can find items that probably you wont find in any other Latvian stationary store.

     I chose the white planner with black spots of ink, unfortunately, it seems that it is sold out now but they have other styles as well. What I like is that each month has their monthly plan, it is great if you are planing a trip, for example. You have a good space for your notes and to-do list for every week as well. My favorite little quality of this planner must be the watercolor page for each new month.

PRICE: 19.50 EUR

Michal Kors Watch

This item is very special to me because, firstly, this is my only second designer brand watch and, secondly, it was a birthday gift from my Boyfriend. We bought it together in Frankfurt Airport while coming back to Tunisia. I am surprised that I own anything from MICHAEL KORS, because I actually am not a fan of this brand. I have this feeling that all the designs they come up with, I have seen somewhere else... But this watch really caught my eye, it is in bright and shiny yellow gold shade, and clock-face is from a bit lighter metallic material.
     I wanted my next watch to be elegant and, somehow, little bit masculine so I chose this classic strap and a bigger clock-face, but not too massive so it doesn't look funny on my tiny wrists. :)

PRICE: 185 EUR (Frankfurt Duty Free Shop) or 195 USD (Amazon)


     Little thing but so useful! I am a huge tea-lover and I drink it every day, couple times a day, with cookies or without, herbal or black or weird, green chai latte. Name it and I love it already.

     KeepCup is a cute version for everyday cup and, definitely, better choice than those paper cups. I hate hot beverages in paper cups, who else is with me? Doesn't the coffee taste like cardboard from it? And talk about that nature saving... KeepCup has eternal life and you can take it with you to fill up your favorite beverage from your local coffee shop. If you order it online, you can even pick the color combination, check here. They have various options of colors and also materials and shapes. I would definitively purchase a glass one with cork holder, those are really nice.

PRICE: 10.80 EUR

L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream

If you are looking for a non-greasy yet nourishing hand cream, this is the one for you. Perfect size for traveling or just to throw in your handbag. Only complain is the scent, it is a bit too strong and might not be too likable for those sensitive noses. This hand cream contains 20% of pure shea buter complimented with honey, almond extract and coconut oil, everything you need for those cold winter days.


Thats all from me today, I hope you enjoyed this post and found something useful for yourself too. I believe that all the items mentioned above can be great gifts for your loved ones, or just as a treat for yourself.


  1. Oh, that keepcup. :)) Just lovely! I should get the same to keep me up in gray, rainy days. <3


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